Music Boosters
Operated by Ida Baker Band Boosters a 501(c)(3) organization
It's fun to be good, so let's be great
- Nathan Fish -
The Ida Baker High School Marching Bulldogs is directed by Nathan Fish.
Mr. Fish serves as the Music Director at Ida S. Baker High School where he oversees the Band, Orchestra, Vocal ensembles and Color Guard program. While at Ida Baker, Mr. Fish has brought new experiences to all the ensembles, from the Marching Bulldogs first run at FMBC states to the choir’s first ever performance at district 18 Choral Music Performance Assessment.
Outside of the classroom, Mr. Fish is the Southwest Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra Conductor.
Mr. Fish holds a Bachelor of Music Education from Florida Gulf Coast University where he studied horn with Kirsten Bendixen-Mahoney, current member of the Naples Philharmonic. As a member of the FGCU Wind Orchestra, Mr. Fish performed at major venues such as Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center. He has also performed along with the Boston Brass in 2015 as part of a triple brass quintet concert given at Bower Chapel in Naples. Mr. Fish is an active performer and private horn instructor in Southwest Florida.